Teacher training

We know that the faculties of education at institutions of higher learning do not focus much on the use of audio-visual materials in schools. As a result, neither current nor future teachers have enough information about the benefits of new methods in this field. Because we are striving to change that, we offer opportunities for future teachers and students of pedagogical disciplines, so that they can not only learn about the method but also try them in practice.

Using the JSNS methodology in schools has two results. Firstly, it opens an important selected topic (human rights, media education, history, etc.), and students learn new information and facts by watching real stories. Secondly, it has an impact on the classroom environment; it is a channel students can use to discuss sensitive topics, develop critical thinking skills, and begin to “think outside the box”.



Seminars for teachers

We organize seminars for teachers, during which we demonstrate how to use audio-visual materials in lessons. The seminars are free and are accredited by the Czech Ministry for Education, Youth, and Sports.

The seminar programme consists of:

  • documentary film screenings;
  • an introduction to the methodology for working with documentary films and other audio-visual resources;
  • practical examples of interactive teaching methods and discussions with guests (experts on a given topic);
  • exchanging experiences gleaned while working with teaching materials; and
  • the application of the selected teaching method.

Apart from these general seminars, we are gradually organising more seminars and webinars focusing on particular subjects, such as eating disorders, the environment, and using documentaries in English lessons.

We also provide training for teachers from abroad. In the past, we have organised seminars for teachers from Georgia, Moldova, Kosovo, and Mongolia.

Seminars at universities

We believe that teaching methods that use audio-visual resources should be incorporated in the curricula of university-level faculties of education. This is why we offer seminars  focused on education and, upon registration, students preparing for mandatory teaching practice have access to our films and materials.


In the field of academia, trying out the One World in Schools methodology was like a breath of fresh air for me amidst all the frequent, traditional one-way monologues. I also believe that it is a properly and systematically managed form of informal experiential learning, which targets not only the cognitive aspects of one’s personality but also – particularly in the case of a well-crafted and artistically successful film – the emotional and, ideally, the motivational and volitional aspects. It has considerable potential to positively influence critical thinking and attitudes, thereby also influencing people’s behaviour and I plan to continue to be involved in this with relish.”

Petra Doležalová, special education and psychology student


We offer two types of seminars to universities that focus on using documentary films in lessons:

  • One-day seminars can be general or thematically focused (e.g. on media education, modern history, human rights, etc.) . Upon request, we can arrange a guest/expert on a given topic.
  • An elective, whole semester course on the use of audio-visual educational resources in global media education. Approximately twenty students attend the course each semester. During the course, students personally try teaching audio-visual lessons of their own choosing.

The course lecturers are trained educators who have personal long-standing experience with using audio-visual materials in class.

What do our teachers say?

Ida Vohryzková

Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická a Střední škola zdravotnická, Ústí nad Labem


„The biggest surprise for me was that a mutual bond between me and the students was created.“

Zuzana Paseková

Karlínská obchodní akademie a VOŠE, Praha


„What I appreciate the most about the materials on the website, is that they are comprehensive, they are teacher-friendly, and elaborately prepared. I can just take a look, choose, and take the activity to my class.“



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