Inspired by the memory

6.2.2017 / Příběhy bezpráví

V loňském školním roce se pět studentských týmů zapojilo do mezinárodního projektu Inspired by the memory, během kterého natáčely filmy inspirované druhou světovou válkou. Přečtěte si, jak celý projekt probíhal a kde všude se o něm psalo. (Zprávu sepsala naše polská partnerská organizace Centre for Citizenship Education, která také celý program vedla.)



Our project has come to an end…. Thank you for your work. Look at what we have done in the previous year. Timeline of Inspired by the memory.

Timeline of Inspired by the memory.

1. Working meeting of partners

Participation: The event involved 6 citizens, including 4 participants from Warsaw, Poland (Centre for Citizenship Education, Warsaw Uprising Museum, Polish Film Institute), 1 participants from Prague, Czech Republic (People in Need), 1 participants from Bratislava, Slovakia (People in Peril).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Warsaw in Poland, from 27/08/2015 to 28/08/2015

Short description:  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss common activities. The partners discussed the selection of films depicting Second World War and planned next steps in the project. The meeting was carried out with use of active methods: brain storm, discussion, map of thoughts, infographics. The experts from Vision Cinema from Germany sent its proposals movies by mail. We have been in touch with them by e-mail. During the workshop we were creating an infographic summarising the project and worked on the schedule and all of the important events ahead of us.

2. Website and profile on FB creation and redaction

Participation: Website of the English and Polish language for the project participants and teachers and students from all Europe country (60 CMS documents, films, Prezi, Canova presentation), The website was visited about 30 000 times (1875 users/month).

Location / Dates: from  01/08/2015  to  30/11/2016

Short description: As part of the project a website was created, a place where all the activities carried out by the participants were documented and where all the supporting materials were made accessible to users. A language used in the website was English. We bought a domain The website was visited about 30 000 times (1875 users/month). Additionally a fanpage of the project was set up as well as closed groups where students shared their materials and helped one anotherWebsite includes the whole documentation of the activities conducted during the project: students’ films, reports’ from events, descriptions of students’ films, photos, films, infographics, information about the program, a list of recommended titles from European Cinema and inspiration for teenagers and teachers. Long-term results: promoting effects of the project, the development of educational materials database of partners, increasing resources, creation a multiplier effect among a wider audience.

3. Survey study

Participation: The survey study was filled in by 200 respondents.

Location / Dates:  from 17/08/2015 to 15/09/2015

Short description: We prepared an on-line survey study and had it filled in by respondents. The purpose of it was to identify today’s teenagers’ knowledge regarding the Second World War, historical events, their attitudes towards crimes committed by totalitarian systems and their awareness of present events in their home country and in the world. Example of questions: Do you know some movies about the Second World War? What can we do to prevent history from repeating itself? Do you think that totalitarianism is a threat to contemporary Europe? The answers from the survey study were also considered by experts while choosing a set of films – as supporting materials used in the project (List of recommended films). The survey study was filled in by 200 respondents.

4. Local youth film projects coordination

Participation: – 25 youth film projects (270 young people involved with their 40 teachers/tutor) – 21 short films of young people – about 2000 people from the local community indirect involved in the project (local presentation of the project, project pages, profiles, blogs) long-term results: new knowledge (about the causes, consequences of the World War II, European and local history); reflection on peace, memory, tolerance, diversity; building of openness, tolerance.

Location / Dates: from 01/10/2015 to 30/06/2016

Short description:  We carried out recruitment of youth groups from schools from the Czech Republic (5 groups, 50 young people with teachers/tutors) Slovakia (5 groups about 50 young people with teachers/tutors) Poland (15 groups about 180 young people) through promotion on the Internet and sending invitations to schools. We coordinated work youth groups (choice of the subject, the study of local history, the development of screenplay, film preparation, promotion in the local community), consultations, expert help (volunteers).

5. Started workshop for youth leaders


60 participants took part in the workshops: 38 participants from Poland, 11 participants from Czech Republic, 11 participants from Slovakia.

Location / Dates: The event took place in Warsaw, in Poland, from 13/11/2015 to 15/11/2015

Short description:  The purpose of the meeting was integration of participants on one hand and educating them about scriptwriting, operating camera, and using a project method on the other.  Students from Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia had the opportunity to meet and break the language barrier. They recall: “I think the atmosphere was great mainly because of the integration classes. The workshop facilitated further work and helped to break the ice between us.” (Grzegorz Żurek). During the meeting in the Warsaw Uprising Museum an invited expert reminded students of the history of Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia, including common threads and those unique and specific for each country alone. The expert drew young people’s attention to the role of film in historical education. Students participated in a discussion regarding historical events and the use of film in historical education. We focused on practical workshops. Experts from the Warsaw Film School carried out workshops on scriptwriting and operating camera. Students appreciated these meetings: “I was inspired by the scriptwriting exercises for a one-minute film – I didn’t realize how many ideas could be made up in such short time! I came up with several good ideas which I’m going to realize in the future. ”Radosław Puchalski. During camera operating workshops students were given specific tasks. Next their works were presented, viewed and commented by specialist. Students were provided with specific hints and advice useful from the point of view of their individual projects. “Camera operating workshops were the most inspiring because I had the opportunity to learn from mistakes of the others while filming short movies. A big plus for me was being an actress for the whole time – I really enjoyed it!” Patricia Rovná. Additionally, the participants watched a film „Warsaw 44” by Jan Komasa. The screening was followed by a discussion. The film evoked many various emotions and reactions. Finally, the youth and their teachers took part in project method workshops

 Account of events

6. Webinars (online lessons) 

Participation: The event involved 300 citizens, including 180 participants from the city of Poland (country), 60 participants from the city of Czech Republic(country), 60 participants from the city of Slovakia (country).

Location / Dates: The event took place via Internet, 16/12/2015 How to promote yours activities in the media 22/02/2016 Feedback from an expert about your screenplays 9/03/2016 Film composition

Short description:

The aim of the event was to consult with specialists and experts (filmmakers) and the development of the program in cooperation with the participants (response to their needs). As part of the project we carried out 3 webinars attended by 300 participants in total. Young people had the opportunity to meet on-line with experts. They listened to a presentation, asked questions, discussed.

16/12/2015 How to promote your activities in the media. During this meeting students could learn how they can promote their activities in the media. Thanks to this online meeting they could prepare better to the promotion of their own film, so that it could win the highest number of fans.

22/02/2016 Feedback from an expert about your scripts – during this webinar, students were given feedback on their scripts. Prior to the webinar students were asked to send their work to an expert who later recorded his/her remarks regarding each of works.

9/03/2016 Film composition – an expert advised students on their film composition.

7. Supporting workshop for young leaders

Participation: The event involved 40 participants, including 15 participants from Poland, 14 participants from Czech Republic, 11 participants from Slovakia.

Location / Dates: The event took place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 8/04/2016 to 10/04/2016

Short description: The first part of the meeting consisted in a cinema screening of working film materials prepared by students and analysis of those materials by film specialists, who shared their remarks on the used shots, storyline, cinematography. In the second part of the workshop students were divided into several international teams. Each team was provided with filming equipment. Their task was to make a short movie – an impression about Prague. This common task helped students to learn something more about one another, and break the language barrier. The material prepared by the young people in this way was used to teach them editing. The organisers provided teams with computer workstations, so that each group could edit their film with help from experts. At the end of the meeting a screening of students’ film was held. Young people left Prague with their heads full of ideas for their final movie and with a fresh portion of knowledge.

Account of events

8. Final Film Festival 


The event was attended by 130 participants, including 29 participants from Poland, 13 participants from Czech Republic, 13 participants from Slovakia and 75 special guests (students and teachers) from Poland.

Location / Dates: The event took place in Warsaw, Poland, from 6/06/2016 to 7/06/2016

Short description: The GRAND FINAL was an opportunity to sum up the project and thank the participants. The first workshop was devoted to evaluate the project “Inspired by the memory”. The young participants highly assessed the practical side of the project (e.g. film classes), the opportunity to make new international friendships, and practicing one’s language skills. A screening of all films created as part of the project was held in front of invited guests, our partners, teachers, experts and friends. On the second day selected students’ films were screened during a Project Exhibition of another project conducted by CEO: „Let’s talk about freedom” (120 pupils and teachers from all over Poland).

Account of events

9. Preparation of the DVD

Participation: The DVD was published in 2000 copies and sent out to our partners (800 copies – Poland, 600 copies – Czech Republic, 600 copies – Slovakia).

Location / Dates: from 30/06/2016 to 5/10/2016

Short description: In September we published a DVD with students’ films, lesson plans based on those films, questions for a discussion, supporting materials and a list of recommended films. This is an educational materials and modern tools (films with scenarios) as a proposition for schools in Europe (how to teach history and speak about difficult topic by using the films?). The DVD was promoted during conferences, workshops, trainings and meetings attended or organised by all the partners in the project.

Student films Part 1

Student films Part 2

Student films Part 3

10. Dissemination, promotion, evaluation

Participation: 3500 people were attended by promotional activities

Location / Dates: from 01/09/2016 to 30/11/2016

Short description:

We prepared the promotional materials of the project (.ppt presentations, prezi, press note) and promoted the project during the workshops and conferences in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and in the international arena (CEO – NECE conference, Council of Europe conferences, and the Evens Foundation conferences). Project was evaluated during all the events (by survey, focus groups, individual interviews, analysis of documents and reports on local projects). Information about the project appeared in many local and national media, as well as on home websites of the schools and the partners. 10 fragments of such media coverage chosen we think are worth mentioning: – information about the program

10 fragments of such media coverage chosen we think are worth mentioning: – information about the program in the national radio station Radio Dla Ciebie

Dziennik Zachodni reporting on the achievements of high school students from Częstochowa

- information about the project on the website maintained by one of participating schools from Bargłowo Kościelne,

- information about the project on the website maintained by one of participating schools from Częstochowa,  - information about the project on the website maintained by one of participating schools from Toruń, – information about the project on one of the partners’ website – information about the project in the Czech media, – information about the project on the Slovak partner’s website,

- information about the project on the website maintained by one of participating schools from Toruń,

- information about the project on one of the partners’ website

- information about the project in the Czech media,

- information about the project on the Slovak partner’s website, 

- information about the project on the website maintained by one of participating schools from Toruń, 

The presentation of the project on national conferences and workshops and international events like: DARE – Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe 2015 Mapping Memory Summer School in Georgia 2016 Crossing Borders. Migration and Citizenship Education in Europe” in Ljubljana 2016 Networking European Citizenship Education in Zagreb, 2016 The DVD with students’ films and educational materials (2000 pieces) was distributed in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. It was distributed among schools and during events, including: School Filmoteka Festival (120 people)

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