Media Education in Primary Schools

JSNS (OWIS – One World in Schools) has made media education (ME) one of its priorities and teachers in more than 4,000 Czech schools are used to working with our materials. The aim of the project Development of Media Education in Primary Schools through Audio-Visual Materials is to expand the currently limited offer of ME educational materials in the Czech Republic, and to contribute to the further education of the teachers who play a key role in the development of media literacy in pupils.

Thanks to the support provided by the OSF Foundation within the Active Citizens Fund  programme, we can focus on strengthening media literacy in primary schools, particularly in the case of pupils in the 4th to 8th grades of primary schools and the corresponding grades in grammar schools (ages 9 to 14).

During the two-year project, we will offer this target group and their teachers the following:

- 3 comprehensive educational audio-visual lessons

- 3 full-day training seminars

- training for media education lecturers


Project activities

1) Audio-visual lessons 

Thanks to the support of the project we published 3 audiovisual lessons on the topic of media education.

  • A story of ostracism (Příběh ostrakizace)

Topic: cyberbullying, online ostracism, cyberbullying prevention

  • Security inspection (Bezpečnostní prohlídka)

Topic: digital wellbeing, healthy online habbits, excessive use of mobile phones

  • #lockdocks

Topic: secure online information sharing


2) Seminars and informative events

Within the framework of the project we organized 3 full-day educational seminars and 2 informative events. Each of the seminars covered one of the lessons above.

  • February 20th 2024: seminar (lesson A story of ostracism) and informative event
  • December 6th 2023: seminar (lesson Security inspection)
  • November 11th 2022: seminar (lesson lockdocs)
  • June 16th 2022: informative event

Check out the photo gallery from the informational project kick-off meeting.


3) Training for media education lecturers

From October to November 2023, a multi-phase training was conducted to expand the JSNS lecturer base. Participants were primarily trained to lecture in media education. After an initial online meeting, 3 full-day training sessions were held in Prague. These were led by our most experienced lecturers. 





The project is being supported by the Open Society Fund Prague from the Active Citizens Fund. The programme promotes citizens’ active participation in the public life and decision making and builds capacities of civil society organizations. The Active Citizens Fund is financed from the EEA and Norway Grants.


Website links:

Active Citizens Fund Programme

EEA and Norway Grants

OSF Foundation

Committee of Goodwill – Olga Havel Foundation

Scout Institute

Michaela Doležalová
